Welcome to Connect Within

Author, Ghostwriter, Facilitator, Speaker, Lifestyle Coach

About Terri

Terri is passionate about serving others by helping them explore their own beliefs and values, identifying their potential and reclaiming joy and happiness in their lives.

Terri has lived in many locations around Australia, working in a variety of employment positions. She uses these experiences, her skills and knowledge to understand her client’s needs and desires, and assists them to achieve the most beneficial outcome, resolving their concerns and fears.

Terri does this with her ghostwriting and her lifestyle coaching.

Recently, she has been focused on writing.

Terri is a multi-published author, with her own book, and has reached International and Australian Best Seller status with some compilation books. She is also a contributing author to an online magazine.

Terri has expanded her writing services to ghost writing. She is enrolled at, and working with, Ghostwriter School, based in USA.

Terri has completed her studies in, and achieved Credentialed Advanced Practitioner in Coaching.

Everyone has a story to tell, and I can help you achieve it.

Live your life by design, not by default.

Follow your passion.

Ghost Writer

Let me help you, write and share your story. My preferred genres, yet not limited to, are memoirs, and lifestyle/well-being

One to One Coaching

Personalised to meet individual needs


Link up to Connect Within Facebook page

Workshops / Group Facilitation

Half day workshops on a variety of topics

Work with your group to facilitate progress and process to achieve desired outcomes

Public Speaking

Available for public speaking engagements

What is Ghost Writing?

People hire a ghostwriter (a professional writer) to create a written manuscript, reflecting the ideas, intentions and vision of the ‘author’ (client). The article is written in the voice of the client.

The ghostwriter is paid for their services provided to the client.

The process involves a consultation between both parties, to discuss the objectives of the project and to determine they can work collaboratively together.

The proposal is produced by the ghost and details specifics such as the scope of work required, timelines, costs and expectations. This would be completed and signed by both parties prior to any work being commenced.

There would be follow up meetings, conversations, interviews, and exchanges of information to ensure the content and context is meeting the needs of the client.

An outline of the content can be provided, or regular updates provided to the client, for review, and any revisions that are necessary. This may occur at regular intervals, and when a draft has been completed.

The final draft is approved by the client before it is passed to the next stage, publishing.

Design Your Package



This package is the beginning of change. It allows you to focus on a specific area, for immediate impact. (4 sessions)


This package is for you to explore your beliefs and values, and to create change in your daily life. (8 sessions)


This package provides the Awareness, the Exploration and the development of new thinking and strategies to assist you live the life you choose. (12 sessions)

Your Ultimate Self (on line, self-paced)

Your Success (on line, self-paced)

Extended Disc behavioural profile

Packages may be individualised to suit your needs. You may choose one, or a combination of any of the elements.

On a scale of 0 to 10, with the centre being zero and the outer edge being 10, how would you assess each element?

They are never going to all be 10. They are never going to all be 0. Some may be a 2, some may be a 5, and some may be closer to 10.

How different would it be if you were in harmony across all elements?

I can work with you to see your situation differently, to feel differently, and to tell yourself a new story to achieve the harmony in your life.

Wheel of Life


What is it that you do to keep the creative juices flowing?


Do you have fun in your life?
What makes you happy?


Is your relationships healthy?


Is your ‘job’ satisfying and meeting your needs?


Is your family life in harmony?


Do you have an active social life?


What is your health like at the moment?
Do you want, or need to improve it?


Are you aware of your financial situation?
Does it need a review?


  • I just wanted to let you know how much I got out of the session we had the other day. It's funny as we were talking although I didn't really know what was blocking me, by you asking those questions you asked, really had me stopping and thinking what I want from my business and where I want to be. That in turn made me more aware of what I need to do more of and what I am best at. Thank you for pushing my limits in this session. I know I have a bit of homework to do now, but I think that is a good thing. Looking forward to seeing you again soon.

    Sharon F

  • I would like to thank you for all your support that you have given me.  The programs that I attended with you have been very enlightening and have helped me to look inside myself and develop my innate skills and qualities and to also learn how to deal with other’s who aren’t like me.  It’s extremely valuable to me now and in the future too.

    Thank you again Terri

    Jeanette M

  • My life was spinning out of control, I was more lost then I had ever been, I had just come out of a serious relationship and dealing with a lot of negative baggage from my past.

    At the start I had no idea how Terri could help or even make me see reason let alone help me see myself and the negative thoughts in a new light, a light that would help me move forward and learn from what I had been through.

    What Terri had made me see was someone different, someone that can reach the goals that I want, be the person I forgot I could be.

    This new happier me is from the hard work Terri put into my wellbeing my mental health.

    Thank you Terri

    Brad N

  • I have had six sessions with Terri and have found her approach both practical and friendly. Sometimes one just needs to voice their issues rather than being beaten into submission and Terri was very accommodating.  I found her both professional and friendly.  Her consideration encompassed how I was feeling on any particular day and I believe this is how coaching can achieve better outcomes.

    I thoroughly enjoyed our meetings and I would not hesitate to recommend Terri to anyone needing guidance and practical solutions to any issues they may have.

    Janette O

  • The Life Coaching was something I hadn’t tried before and would highly recommend Terri to assist with unlocking any concerns you may have and help you find your inner strength. Terri knew the right questions to ask and helped me work through obstacles allowing me to find solutions to personal and professional challenges I faced. Terri enabled me to unwrap my unconscious thoughts, which had been troubling me, and turn them into positive conscious actions.   

    Sharyn B

  • I was fortunate enough to meet Terri at a time when I needed help to move forward with my life. She opened my eyes to the possibilities my life offered. Her enthusiasm and professionalism combined with her genuine friendliness, is a combination that inspires trust. She really listened to what I was saying and from those conversation extracted the information she needed and formulated a plan to help move me forward. I am grateful for all she did for me and would recommend Terri to anyone struggling to find their way in life.

    Roseanne S

What is a Coach

Coaching is a conversation like no other. A coach has the singular most important goal to assist the client close the gap between where they are now and where they want to be.


Be curious, playful, how do they think


Testing veracity of ideas, encourage alternatives, challenge respectfully


Play, tease, how ready are you really, provide contrasts


Brainstorming, mentoring, in this together

Reinforcer / Champion

Acknowledge choices and behaviours


Bring new ideas, perspectives, it’s ok to be not right, go to the unknown.


Have you done that before, has that worked for you, why do you think it will work this time


Almost a mirror of the client, what they are seeing, hearing, feeling, sensing, thinking


Of progress, get client taking action, transformation

How can a coach help you?

  • Get focused on what is really important in your life and/or business
  • Get clear on your goals
  • Overcome procrastination
  • Eliminate fear and self-doubt
  • Gain certainty about yourself and a sense of well being
  • Gain tools to turn challenges into opportunities


Don’t ever feel bad for making a decision about your own life that upsets other people. You are not responsible for their happiness. You’re responsible for your own happiness. Anyone who wants you to live in misery for their happiness should not be in your life anyway.

– Isaiah Hankel –


When things feel like they’re not working out, focus on what’s working right.

– Karen Salmansohn –

Reach Us

Contact Terri to find out more
Brisbane, Qld
+61 409 261 319

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